Stewardship, for Catholics, is based on the spiritual principles of the Old Testament and the teachings of Jesus. Stewardship encourages each of us to reflect on our blessings from God and to share our gifts with others, more out of gratitude than obligation.
Dip Jar
Our Dip Jar is where you dip your credit or debit card in the Dip Jar receiver to make a donation in seconds. Dip Jars are located in the church for cash-less giving during Mass. Each "dip" equals a $15 donation.
Year-End Giving
Reduce your tax obligation by donating investments that have appreciated. Donors can deduct the fair value of the asset from their tax bill and avoid the capital-gains tax that would have come from selling the investment. This works with stocks, mutual funds, bonds, real estate and other appreciated assets.
Gifts of Real Estate
Real property gifts will be accepted at the discretion of the Diocese after a review of all relevant factors. Understandably, this is because of the complexities and issues inherently involved.
Online Giving
Click on the Donate button above for on-line giving. Give as you feel or make your offertory contribution on a recurring basis. Giving online make is easy & convenient to give wherever you are.
Memorial & Tribute Giving
Gifts in memory of deceased friends and loved ones – or gifts that honor living individuals – are gratefully accepted. Such contributions are often designated to reflect the special interests of the person honored.
Your will is a meaningful way to make a charitable gift of lasting value. Through a bequest provision, you can designate a specific amount of money, a percentage of your estate, or the balance of your estate after other bequests are satisfied. Adding a codicil to an existing will is a simple process that begins by making your intentions known to your attorney.