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All talents or skills that we have can be used to give God glory and are equally important in His eyes.
Consider your own talents and ask God how you can best use them to serve Him through His people.


Altar Servers - An altar server is a lay assistant to a member of the clergy during the liturgy. An altar server attends to supporting tasks at the altar such as fetching and carrying, ringing the altar bell, among other things. Choir & Music Ministry - Members uplift and enhance our liturgical celebrations. Singers and musicians of all skill levels and backgrounds are welcome. Environment Ministry - Preparing the worship space to align with liturgical seasons (Ordinary Time, Advent, Christmas, Lent, and Easter). Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion - The Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion (EMHC) is a lay member of the faithful or a person in religious or consecrated life who has been deputed to help distribute Holy Communion when a sufficient number of ordinary ministers are not present, available or capable, and when the priest celebrant has determined that pastoral need requires their help. Lectors - Proclaim the Word of God at our Masses and special occasion liturgical celebrations. Ministry to the Sick and Homebound - Ministers visit and bring the Eucharist to those who are sick, homebound, in the hospital or in nursing care facilities. Sacristans: Preparing our worship space for Mass. Ushers - Assist before, during and after Masses, escorting church members and guests to pews, collecting the offertory, and distributing bulletins.


Faith Formation - Faith formation is how a person lives and grows in Faith. Catholic formation happens from birth and doesn’t end until our death (in this world). Good Catholic formation can help an individual become the person that God envisioned. Marriage & Family Life - Marriage formation and preparation programs, Natural Family Planning resources, marriage enrichment resources and programing, as well as support for those with struggling marriages and healing for those whose marriage has ended. Family ministries programing includes parenting, Communication workshops for all ages. Resources and support available for healthy family relationships, family as domestic church, family prayer and devotions. Pre-Baptismal Catechesis - The focus is to catechize parents who want to baptize their child in our church. Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA): Support s a gradual process of conversion and initiation into the Catholic Christian community providing individuals the space to encounter God and respond to His invitation to a new way of life in the Catholic faith.


Stewardship Council - Advising the pastor and other parish groups on how to promote the Stewardship Way of Life in all facets of the parish. This is done through the extension of hospitality, promotion of prayer, emphasizing Catholic formation, and increasing the activities of service to others. Members are appointed by the pastor. Food Pantry - Providing assistance to those in our community who need food. This group serves every Tuesday from 9 – 11 a.m. Shoppers are also needed. Giving Tree - Creating tags, and collects and distributes gifts at Christmas to an identified group. Members assist with these tasks. Respect Life - Help Catholics understand, value, and live out the Catholic vision of respect life. New Parishioner Welcome Ministry - Welcome new members to foster a more vibrant and involved faith community. This ministry organizes and invites new parishioners to monthly hospitality Sundays.


Finance Administation Finance Council - Advising the pastor with the financial aspects of the parish. The council meets quarterly for an hour. Members are appointed by the pastor for specified terms. Building & Maintenance Committee - Caring for our parish buildings & grounds. Cemetery Maintenance - Caring for our parish cemetery at Church Row in Waimea. We are currently looking for a Group Leader(s) and volunteers. This group is responsible for disposing of dead flowers and trimming grass around headstones. Members bring their own yard tools and will be on a schedule to work once a month in mowing and clipping the cemetery. Collection Counters - Count and prepare the offerings of the faithful for deposit every Monday morning at the Parish Office. Training is required and the time commitment are Mondays during a given month (every 4 months / 3 times per year).


Confraternity of the Holy Rosary - The Confraternity of the Most Holy Rosary is an international association of the Catholic faithful established “to praise and honor the Blessed Virgin Mary and to secure her patronage by the recitation of the Rosary for the mutual spiritual benefit of all the members throughout the world.”. Knights of Columbus - If you are you a man over 18 years of age who is a Leader, Serves, Defends and Protects your family and Catholic Faith prayerfully consider joining the Knights of Columbus Bereavement Ministry - Providing assistance to individuals and families in planning and coordinating their loved one’s funeral. Church Cleaners - Keeping our church worship space and bathrooms spic and span and ready for Masses. Time commitment is once a month for Waimea. In Puako, it’s twice a month and once a week for restroom cleaning. Cleaning supplies and tools are provided. Crisis Intervention - Providing assisting when a person faces an obstacle to important life goals that is, for a time, insurmountable through the utilization of his customary methods of problem solving whether it be situational, such as natural disasters, loss of a job, assault, and the sudden death of a loved one or maturational, such as at times of transition, such as when the first child is born, when a child reaches adolescence, and when the head-of-the- household retires. Eucharistic Adorers - Eucharistic Adoration is spending time with Jesus Christ who is truly present, Body, Blood and Soul in the Holy Eucharist. This is crucial since Christ displayed in the monstrance must never be left alone. Hall Cleaners - Keeping our parish hall, bathrooms, and our old church building neat and tidy for parish functions, Religious Education and workshops. This ministry performs services twice a month. Cleaning supplies and tools are provided. JOY (Just Older Youth) Kupuna Ministry - Helping our kupuna with various chores, gives caring companionship and provides transportation when needed. Prayer Blanket Ministry - Ministers are asked to sew, knit or crochet blankets while praying for the person who will receive the blanket. Instructions and materials are provided. Blankets will be prayed over at a Mass and taken to the hospital. Prayer Warriors - Offer support to parishioners and the community through the power of prayer. The Prayer Warriors ask that they be contacted when parish members or a member’s friend or family are afraid, sick, facing a crisis, or are in need of prayers for any reason. Tech Ministry - Assisting in the use of technology to create products & services that meets people were they are & inspires them to learn, live & practice their Catholic faith.

Big Island Catholic Church

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Annunciation Church

65-1235 Kawaihae Rd Kamuela, HI 96743

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